Natural Resources , class 8

         Natural  Resources 

Natural resources are the gifts of nature.This resources are called the spinal cord of the economy of a nation because they are the base of its strength and prosperity.

🎯 The natural resources are -

1.  land

2.  soil

3. water

4. natural vegetation

5. wildlife

6. mineral and energy resources 

🎯 Let's explore more about it.

1. Land Resources:  Man depends on land for the fulfillment of his different needs. He uses it for his income and cultural activities. It is a very important but a limited resource. 

2. Soil Resources: It is a renewable and abiotic resource which can be made fertile by the use of manures and fertilizers.

 In India, the following six soil types are found:

i) Alluvial soil 

ii) Black soil 

iii) Desert soil 

iv) Forest and Mountain soil 

v) Laterite soil

vi) Red soil 

🎯 Some problems related to soil are mentioned below:

1. soil erosion 

2. reduction in the fertility 

3. Sandy conditioning 

4. acidity or alkalinity 

5. use of soil beyond its capacity 

6. water logging

📌📌 Types of Soil: 

3. Water Resources:

About 71% area of the Earth is constituted of water only the earth is also known as the water planet. 

✍ Sources of water for men :

1. Rainfall 

2. Rivers and streams

3. Canals

4. Tanks 

5. Underground water

4. Natural Vegetation Resources:

The natural vegetation is also called as forest which fulfills numerous human needs.

✍ Some Facts:

1. The annual average rainfall in India is 118 cm.

2. In Southern India, the tanks are main source of water for the people. 

3. Evergreen forests remain green throughout the year.

4. Deciduous forest trees shed their leaves before spring that is in autumn season.

5. Desert vegetation is found in the area with low rainfall.

6. Mountainous  vegetation grows over the slopes of the mountains.

7. Delta type of  vegetation is found near the sea coasts.

8. The Ganga- Brahmputra Delta is also known as Sundarban Delta because of the pressure of sundry trees in large number.

5. Wildlife Resources:

The creature living in the forests are called wildlife resources. In India more than 80,000 species of animals are found. Many species of birds come in large number to India from the cold regions like Siberia, China,etc. during winters. These birds are known as 'migratory birds'.

🎯 15 Objective Type Questions: 

1. What is the percentage of land and water on the earth?

Ans. 29 % and 71 % respectively 

2. Man's economic activities differ with the different land forms. ( True/ False)

Ans. True

3. We get various types of minerals from the plateaus.( True/ False)

Ans. True

4. How much total area of India is net sown area?

Ans. About 46 %

5. What do you mean by fallow land?

Ans. The land used for agriculture but is left without seeding for 1 to 5 years.

6. Soil is  not a very important factor for the germination and growth of plants.       (True/ False)

Ans. False

7. Alluvial soil contributes a lot towards the development of our  ________.

Ans. agriculture 

8. The Indo-Gangetic- Brahamputra plains have been formed by ___________, _________ and _________ plains.

Ans.  the Indus,

          the Ganga,

          the Brahamputra

8. What is the other name of black soil?

Ans  Regur or cotton soil

9. Black soil is good for growing _________.

Ans  cotton

10. Where do we find black soil?

Ans. Maharashtra, 

         Madhya Pradesh, 


         Andhra Pradesh, 

         Gujarat and

          Tamil Nadu

11.Where do we find Red Soil?

Ans.  Tamil Nadu, Southeast Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar ,Odisha, Jharkhand, West Bengal ,Rajasthan ,Assam, Nagaland ,Manipur

12. Which planet is known as water planet?

Ans. The earth

13. Rainwater harvesting can help in conservation of water. ( True or False)

Ans. True

14. In which was the Indian Board for Wildlife established? 

Ans. 1952

15. Many National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries have been established to protect the wildlife.( True or False)

Ans. True 

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Revision of Daliy Slide : 16 to 21 May